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About us

AUTOSUR DE LEVANTE, S.A. is a Valencian Company constituted in July 1978, with the purpose of repair and sell Industrial Gearboxes, steerings, axles automatic gearboxes of cars and sell and distribution of spare parts for industrial vehicles.

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In January 16th 1984 Autosur was named Official Service for ZF. From that date on, our development became a total integration with the brand ZF, adapting technical and human resources for the optimum representation of the already named brand.

In February 7th 2000, we are named Official Service for ALLISON, and on January 24th 2001 we are named Official Service for VOITH. With these two new appointments and the one we already had, ZF, Autosur manage to accomplish two of its main targets:

  • to cover a wide range of gearboxes, running mainly in the Spanish and the European Market.
  • become the Company Leader in this market, offering specialization and distribution and repairing of gearboxes for Industrial, special vehicles and cars.

In the year 2004 we obtain the certificates for Quality System ISO9001:1996 and for Environmental System ISO14001:2000, granted by Bureau Veritas, and in 2010, we obtained the certificate for Quality System PECAL 2120. All the certificates have been renewed satisfactory from that date on. Autosur de Levante, S.A. has two branches. Head Quarters in Valencia and the other branch in Zaragoza

Our values

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To contribute to the growth, development and the empowerment of companies and freelances

Our mission is to contribute to the growth, development and the empowerment of companies and freelances, who work in different sectors where we can find components we distribute and repair – mainly gearboxes and steering systems – participating and offering a high quality products and service, always being respectful with the environment, thanks to our team work.

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To become the Company Leader in this sector .

Our main target is to become the Company Leader in this sector for our high technical level, excellent quality and service and our exquisite customer service. We work hard to be one of the most representative and known companies in the repair and distribution market, so, any customer in need of buying or repair a gearbox, think and click right away in Autosur. Therefore we have acquired the compromise of becoming better and better day by day, though creativity, flexibility and always implementing new working systems and continuously searching for opportunities of improvement.

Our valours are:

Service, Quality, Orientation to customer, Transparence, Coherence, Integrity and Teamwork

Our offices

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Polígono del Oliveral, calle A, N. 6.

CP 46394

Ribarroja del Turia (Valencia)

Las instalaciones de Valencia ocupan una superficie aproximada de 4.400 m² distribuidas de la siguiente manera:
  • Taller de cajas de cambios Automáticas y Mecánicas
  • Taller de servo-transmisiones de vehículos Especiales y de Obra Pública
  • Zonas de bancos de prueba
  • Cocheras-taller (donde se realizan reparaciones en el vehículo o desmontajes y montajes de cajas del vehículo)
  • Laboratorio de Electrónica
  • Laboratorio de cajas Automáticas y de Turismos
  • Laboratorio de Direcciones
En ella, Autosur de Levante, S.A. cuenta con los siguientes equipos:
  • 1 Banco de Pruebas para cajas Automáticas y Mecánicas
  • 1 Banco de Pruebas para cajas de OOPP y Vehículo Especial
  • 1 Banco de Pruebas para cajas Automáticas
  • Utillaje específico ZF, VOITH y ALLISON principalmente y otro de diferentes marcas: IVECO, MERCEDES, VOLVO, SCANIA…
  • 4 Bancos de Prueba Servodirecciones
  • 4 Puentes Grúa, que recorren ambos talleres
  • 15 puestos de trabajo totalmente equipados con sus bancos, útiles, herramientas y volteadores
  • 2 Juegos de elevadores industriales
  • 3 Centrales de diagnosis
  • Servicio de Asistencia Técnica, con 3 unidades móviles
  • Varios ordenadores portátiles para diagnosis
  • Taladradoras, esmeriladoras, prensas, petroleras, máquina de arena
  • Sistema de depuración de aguas y circuito hidráulico de reutilización de aguas
  • 2 furgonetas para los servicios de logística que se requieran
  • 2 Compresores
  • Sala de Formación
  • Almacén
  • Oficinas de: recepción, recambios, logística, mantenimiento, postventa, comercial, administración, financiero y gerencia
  • Zona de Lavado con dos lavadoras industriales
  • Zona de Pintura
  • Vestuario, comedor y aseos
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Pol. Ind. Ciudad del Transporte. Calle N, Nº 23

CP 50820

San Juan de Mozarrifar (Zaragoza)

  • Sala de Formación
  • Almacén
  • Oficinas de: recepción, recambios, logística, mantenimiento, postventa, comercial, administración, financiero y gerencia
  • Zona de Lavado con dos lavadoras industriales
  • Zona de Pintura
  • Vestuario, comedor y aseos
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Pol. Can Bernades Subirà. C/ Anoia, Nº4

CP 08130

Sta. Perpètua de Mogoda (Barcelona)


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In 2010 we extend our quality system incorporating the NATO requirements based under the principles of PECAL/AQAP 2120, reassuring the quality standards for the Assuring of the Quality.

In order to guarantee the fulfillment and evolution of the main targets, the Company makes a public display of its Policy for quality and environment facts for customers and collaborators.

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