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Transports of Goods: Freelance and Fleets

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This profile has been created for the people like you, works in the transport of goods, being these ones light, average or heavy tonnage.

The gearboxes that you normally use are “mechanical” or manual or semiautomatic or automated type. The main characteristics are:


Gearboxes and Steerings

these are commonly known as synchronized gearboxes.

We can find them with diverse gears (long and short) and different speeds: 5, 6, 8, 9 and 16. They can come with or without Intarder (ZF) or Retarder (VOITH) to optimize the time of stopped, in that case, they will have installed a heat interchange. For these types of gear boxes, the main reasons why some strange components affect the ways they work are: oil levels, the clutch or the adjustment in the gearshift lever.

 these gear boxes work without the clutch pedal, working directly from an electronic device and a pneumatic unit in charge of giving the gear changing the order to the “actuators”, depending on the information received from the different sensors.

The actuator, function as the foot and activates the clutch (the same as the one installed in a mechanical box) making possible to change the gears, or that have been programmed or the ones wished. They can also have Intarder or Retarder, together with its cooler.

the hydraulic systems for steerings have been and continue being a strong base in our Company.

These systems stand out, basically, for being security systems which, any negligence or default can be the origin of major problems. These systems consist in: steering pumps, hydraulic cylinder, valvs, orbitrol… in which the pressure and flow are the key to ensure the security and comfort. Also mention that we have a wide range of compressors in stock.

40 years of experience

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In Autosur de Levante, S.A. we have almost 40 years of experience repairing and solving problems on the road and in your facilities.

We have a big stock in your gear boxes (ZF, IVECO, MERCEDES, SCANIA, VOLVO and EATON) and the spare parts used in these gearboxes. We count with great facilities allowing us to dismantle and assembly the gearbox into the truck with the best results.

Together with the already mentioned, we can also include a big professional human team dedicated to repair the mechanical gearboxes, and be able to offer you the best service with the best qualities and you will also receive the best personalized and professional treatment.

If you need or require advice about what type of gear box you must install in your vehicle, what´s the problem if it doesn’t work correctly, the cost or repair or even if you have any other question, please do not hesitate in contact us, and we will try to find the solution or give you the best recommendation possible.

Whatever is your truck or your question, whenever you are and you find yourself in trouble, please call us, and we will find you the most trustworthy solution and adjusted to your needs. You know that join the leader is a good beginning.

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